Cost-recovered data services
The Meteorological Service of Canada offers the following cost-recovered data services. Anyone interested in those services is invited to contact us.
Archived data retrieval
Environment and Climate Change Canada does not have an online service to retrieve most or archived data available on the MSC Datamart. The data retrieval service is provided under a cost recovery policy.
The processing rate for archived data retrieval is 118$/hour, with a minimum charge of one hour. Typical archived data retrieval requests require between 1-4 hours to process (human effort time). The data itself is free (except for raw radar data and derived products).
Dedicated data feed
Dedicated data feeds with 24/7 support are available to specialized users and may include data not directly available to the public. Pricing varies according to the desired data types and associated bandwidth requirements. Contracts typically span over a year or more, and payments are usually processed on a monthly basis.
Available data include:
- Numerical Weather Prediction model data in a GRIdded Binary (GRIB2) format for specific parameters and domains (down to hourly values), or at specific points
- Unprocessed radar data for Canadian radars, such as:
- Digital outputs of radar echoes or precipitation in ASCII format
- Full doppler volume scans data in ODIM_H5 format
- Meteorological maps
- Text bulletins
- Most of the data available on the free MSC Datamart and MSC GeoMet services
Details regarding radar data pricing are as follows:
Raw data in IRIS or ODIM_H5 format
- 1-5 radars (QC, Atl or Pac region) : $1,600/month
- 6-10 (any whole region): $1,800/month
- 11+ : $2,000/month
- Plus a one-time setup fee of $2,000
Products in digital format
- 1-5 radars (Qc, Atl or Pac region) : $600/month
- 6-10 (any whole region): $700/month
- 11+ : $800/month
- Plus a one-time setup fee of $800
Other products
- GeoTIFF 1km radar composite : $800/month
- GeoJSON dynamic radar coverage : $800/month
- Plus a one-time setup fee of $800
Please, note that these rates are indicative only and may change.
See also the FAQ.
Starting price regarding push feed for NWP data in GRIB format, or any other data is $500/month + $500 set-up fee for up to 1 Gb/day. Add 500$/month for each additional Gb per day.
Please note that a $200 fee is required for any changes related to data feeds.