TOC > MSC data > Alphanumerical bulletins > Alphanumerical bulletins on MSC Datamart
Data of the alphanumerical bulletins
This page describes the data of the alphanumerical bulletins.
Data location
MSC Datamart data can be automatically retrieved with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) as soon as they become available. An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is also available.
The data is available via the HTTPS protocol. It is possible to access it with a standard browser.
The bulletin files are available at the following address :
Directory and file name nomenclature
The bulletins are grouped in a directory tree that is based on the date and on the type of bulletin.
The directories have the following nomenclature :
where :
- YYYYMMDD : Reception date of the bulletin (warning: not the date of issue!)
- AA : 2 letters indicating the type of bulletin. The complete reference of the different types can be found in the WMO's Manual on the Global Telecommunication System, in the section 'Attachment II-5' that corresponds to the pages 103-108. The file is online here: See the following section for specific details about Warning bulletins.
- BBBB : 4 letter identifier of the bulletin issuer.
The 2 letters after "CW" or "CY" in the directory name indicates the issuing office :
- QX = Gander, (N.F.)
- HX = Halifax (now Dartmouth)
- UL = Montréal
- QB = Québec
- XK = Rimouski
- TO = Toronto
- WG = Winnipeg
- NT = North West Territory
- VR = Vancouver
- CN = Canada
- US = United States
- HH : The hour of the reception of the bulletin
The filenames have the following nomenclature :
Example :
A complete listing of all bulletins posted on the MSC Datamart is not available. However, once you know which ones you are looking for after consulting the WMO documents, then you can easily checked if they are on our http server using the bulletin search script.
Weather Warnings
The specific 2 letter codes for the Warnings refer to :
- WA : Airmet
- WC : Cyclone
- WE : Tsunami
- WF : Tornado
- WH : Flood
- WL : Smog
- WO : Special
- WO : Hurricane
- WP : Weather
- WT : Tropical
- WU : Thunderstorm
- WV : Volcano
- WW : Weather
If you have any questions about this data, please contact us.
Announcements from the dd_info mailing list
Announcements related to this dataset are available in the dd_info list.