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Climate scenario data, based on a set of global climate model projections from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) in NetCDF format

Multimodel ensembles for a range of variables based on global climate model (GCM) projections from Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) are available for 1900 to 2100 on a common 1 x 1 degree global grid.

Data address

MSC Datamart data can be automatically retrieved with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) as soon as they become available. An overview and examples of how to access and use Meteorological Service of Canada open data is also available.

The data is available via the HTTPS protocol. It can be accessed using a standard browser. In this case, a list of links to a NetCDF file is displayed.

CMIP6 files can be found at the following address:


  • historical: Historical simulations over the period 1900-2014
  • scenarios : Refers to different shared socioeconomic profiles [ssp126, ssp245, ssp370, ssp585] for several 20-year periods, i.e. short term [2021-2040], medium term [2041-2060 and 2061-2080] and end of century [2081-2100].

Nomenclature of file names

The files have the following nomenclature:

  • {period}_ECCC_CMIP6_{variable}-Pct{percentile}_Sfc_LatLon1.0_{timestep}.nc
  • {period}_ECCC_CMIP6-{scenario}_{variable}-Pct{percentile}_Sfc_LatLon1.0_{timestep}.nc

with :

  • period: Period associated with each data set, in {year of period start}-{year of period end} format: [1900-2014; 2015-2100; etc.].
  • ECCC : Constant character string for Environment and Climate Change Canada, the data source
  • CMIP6 : Constant string indicating the data sets for phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
  • variable: Name of the climate variable available in the file, taking one of the following values: [AirTemp, Precip, SeaIceConcentration, SeaIceThickness, Wind, SnowDepth]. For anomalies: [AirTempAnomaly, PrecipAnomaly, SeaIceConcentrationAnomaly, SeaIceThicknessAnomaly, WindAnomaly, SnowDepthAnomaly]
  • scenario : Shared Socioeconomic Profiles (SSP), taking one of the values: [SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, SSP585]
  • percentile: Ensemble percentile, taking one of the values: [Pct5, Pct25, Pct50, Pct75, Pct95]; Pct5 represents the 5th ensemble percentile; Pct25 represents the 25th ensemble percentile, etc.
  • Sfc : Constant character string indicating that data are available on the surface
  • LatLon : Constant string indicating lat-lon grid projection
  • 1.0: Grid resolution of 1 degree in latitudinal and longitudinal directions
  • timeStep : Time step, taking one of the following values: [P1Y, P1M]; P1Y represents a time step of one year, P1M represents a time step of one month; [P1Y-{DJF, MAM, JJA, SON}] represents the seasonal period (ex: DJF: December-January-February) ; [P0Y-{DJF, MAM, JJA, SON}] represents the average over 20 years, P0Y indicates a single period of time in the file
  • nc: Constant string indicating NetCDF format



List of variables

The variables and units available for CMIP6 datasets on the MSC Datamart are :

  • CMIP6 ensemble multi-model mean precipitation projections (mm/day)
  • CMIP6 ensemble multi-model sea ice concentration projections (percentage, %, of grid cell area)
  • CMIP6 ensemble multi-model sea ice thickness projections (m)
  • CMIP6 ensemble multi-model snow depth projections (m)
  • CMIP6 ensemble multi-model surface wind speed projections (m/s)
  • CMIP6 ensemble multi-model mean temperature projections (°C)
  • Projected mean change in precipitation, based on CMIP6 ensemble multi-models (%)
  • Projected change in sea ice concentration based on CMIP6 multimodel ensembles (%)
  • Projected change in sea ice thickness based on CMIP6 multimodel ensembles (%)
  • Projected variation in snow depth based on CMIP6 multimodel ensembles (%)
  • Projected change in surface wind speed based on CMIP6 multimodel ensembles (%)
  • Projected mean temperature change based on CMIP6 multimodel ensembles (°C)


If you have any questions about these data, please contact us.

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