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TdM > MSC Data > Coastal Flooding

Coastal flooding data

The Costal Flooding Risk Index in GeoJSON format is a geo and time referenced polygon product issued by the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) to articulate the coastal flooding risk, impact and probability. Products are issued daily by Storm Prediction Centres and intended to provide early notification, out to 5 days, of coastal flooding due to astronomical tide, storm surge and wave impacts.


How to access the data

This experimental data is available on the MSC testing data repository DD-Alpha :

An Overview and examples of how to access and use Meteorological Service of Canada open data is available.


The end-user license for Environment and Climate Change Canada data servers specifies the conditions of use of this data.

MSC Open Data Services Usage Policy

The MSC Open Data Services Usage Policy determines what constitutes appropriate use of MSC Open Data Services and provides users with best practices for optimal use.


Coming soon


Coastal Flooding Risk Outlooks graphical products:

Technical documentation