TOC > MSC data > RDSPS > RDSPS on MSC Datamart
Regional Deterministic Storm Surge Prediction System (RDSPS) data in NetCDF format
This page describes the Regional Deterministic Storm Surge Prediction System data available in NetCDF format.
Grid technical specification
This table lists the values of different parameters of the RDSPS grid:
Parameter | Value |
ni | 841 |
nj | 541 |
resolution | 0.033° x 0.033° |
Nomenclature of file directories
File names have the form:
- YYYYMMDD: Year, month and day of the beginning of the forecast
- T : Time delimiter according to ISO8601 norms
- HH: UTC run time [00, 12]
- Z : Time zone (UTC hour)
- MSC : Constant string indicating the Meteorological Service of Canada, source of data
- RDSPS-Atlantic-North-West : Constant string indicating that data is from the Regional Deterministic Storm Surge Prediction System over the North-West domain
- VAR : Variable type included in the file [ETAS, SSHT, SSH]
- LVL : Vertical level [SFC for the surface]
- grille : Horizontal grid lat-lon [LatLon]
- resolution : 0.033x0.033. Indicating resolution in degreee 0.033x0.033 in latitude and longitude directions
- Phhh: P is a constant character. hhh is the forecast hour [000, 001, 002, ..., 240]
- nc: constant string indicating the NetCDF format is used
Example of file name:
Variable list
The list below provides, for each variable: a short description, an alphabetical abbreviation, the levels available for the parameter, and measurement units.
NetCDF | Short description | Abbr. | Level | Units |
etas | Storm surge | ETAS | SFC | m |
ssh_tide | Tidal heights | SSHT | SFC | m |
zos | Total Water Level (Sea surface height) | SSH | SFC | m |
If you have any questions about this data, please contact us.
Announcements from the dd_info mailing list
Announcements related to this dataset are available in the dd_info list.