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Regional Ensemble Prediction System (REPS) Data in GRIB2 Format

This page describes Regional Ensemble Prediction System data available in GRIB2 format.

Data location

MSC Datamart data can be automatically retrieved with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) as soon as it becomes available. An overview and examples to access and use the Meteorological Service of Canada's open data is also available.

This data is available using the HTTPS protocol and resides in a directory that is plainly accessible from a web browser. Visiting this directory with an interactive browser will yield a raw listing of links, each link being a downloadable GRIB2 file.

This data can be accessed at the following URL:

where :

  • HH : Forecast run hour in UTC [00, 06, 12, 18]
  • hhh : Forecast time [000, 003, 006, ..., 048]

Technical specification of the grid

Grille du SRPE Rlatlon

The following table lists the values of various parameters of the rotated lat-lon grid at 10km resolution:

Parameter Valeur
ni 908
nj 960
resolution at 60° N 10 km
coordinate of the first grid point 50.76° N ; 20.81° W

Note : The most recent versions of wgrib2 and GDAL support these rotated grids.

File name nomenclature

Files have the following nomenclature:



  • YYYYMMDD : Year, month, and day of the beginning of the forecast
  • T : Time delimiter according to ISO8601 norms
  • HH : UTC run time [00, 06, 12, 18]
  • Z : Time zone (UTC hour)
  • MSC : Constant string indicating the Meteorological Service of Canada, source of data
  • REPS : Constant string indicating that the data is from the Regional Ensemble Prediction System
  • VAR : Variable type included in the file (ex: UGRD). This parameter includes also the statistical measure, if relevant (ex: Accum, MAX, Min). See also the note below.
  • LVLTYPE-LVL : Vertical level type and level value [ex: SFC for surface, AGL-10m for 10m above ground level]
  • Grille : Horizontal grid [RLatLon]
  • resolution : 0.09. Indicating resolution in degrees [0.09°(about 10km)] for latitude and longitude directions
  • PT{hhh}H : Forecast hours based on ISO8601 norms. P, T and H are constant character designating Period, Time and Hour. "hhh" is the forecast hour [000, 003, 006, ..., 072]
  • grib2 : Constant string indicating that the GRIB2 format is used

Example of filename : 20201007T00Z_MSC_REPS_TPRATE-Accum24h_SFC_RLatLon0.09x0.09_PT024H.grib2

Note: Files contain by default all ensemble members. Files containing probabilistic products are identified according to the parameter '-Prob' attached to the variable (ex: 20201007T00Z_MSC_REPS_TPRATE-Accum24h-Prob_SFC_RLatLon0.09x0.09_PT024H.grib2)

List of variables

Individual members:

Ensemble products:

The files contain probability products by member counting above or below different thresholds, percentiles, means, medians and standard deviations. Note that products and thresholds are defined in the file metadata. The following products are available for each of the variables listed below.

  • Probability above 298.14, 303.14, 308.14, 311.14, 313.14 and 315.14 K
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 0.2, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 kg/(m2*s)
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 0.2, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 kg/(m2*s)
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 0.2, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 and 150 kg/(m2*s)
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 0.2, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75 and 100 kg/(m2*s)
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 0.2, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 and 150 kg/(m2*s)
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 243.14, 248.14, 253.14, 258.14, 263.14, 268.14, 273.14, 278.14, 283.14, 288.14, 293.14, 298.14, 303.14, 308.14 and 313.14 K
  • Probability below 233.14, 238.14, 243.14, 248.14, 253.14, 258.14, 263.14, 268.14, 273.14, 278.14, 283.14, 288.14, 293.14 and 298.14 K
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability below 223.14, 228.14, 233.14, 238.14, 243.14, 248.14, 253.14, 258.14, 263.14, 268.14 and 273.14 K
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile
  • Probability above 5.5556, 8.3333, 10.278, 11.111, 13.889, 17.222, 18.056, 20.833, 24.444, 25, 27.778 and 32.778 m/s
  • Minimum (0 percentile), maximum (100th percentile), median (50th percentile), standard deviation and mean
  • 10 percentile, 25 percentile, 75 percentile and 90 percentile

A list in XML format containing for all the 15km grid variables names, a description and the units in both French and English, is available.


If you have any questions about this data, please contact us.

Announcements from the dd_info mailing list

Announcements related to this dataset are available in the dd_info list.