TOC > Usage overview > On demand sounding graphs
Use case: create sounding graphs on demand for any location¶
Weather, climate and water data from MSC GeoMet geospatial web services can be easily used to predict severe weather events. This usage example shows how to extract and process raw sounding data with Python programming language to create a tool to plot and display different data depending on the inputs provided. The interactive version is a lot more complete and user-friendly (link below), but the code is very complex and as such this simpler example was made as a teaching tool. This use case teaches you how to:
- Access and query sounding data from MSC GeoMet geospatial web services;
- Query layers to get data for specific locations;
- Create temporal queries;
- Show results in different formats including plots and data tables.
The simple version (this version) of this Jupyter Notebook is available here.
The interactive version of this Jupyter Notebook is available here.
Creation of a tool to extract and plot sounding data¶
Consider the following situation: Gerald, an amateur storm chaser, would like to access upper air observations from Canadian data in an easily understandable and accurate manner, regardless of where he's located. He needs this information at various times of the day to plan his storm chasing expeditions and forecast potential severe weather events. A fellow chaser has informed him about the possibility of significant storm activity in a particular area, and Gerald wants to verify this information independently. He aims to assess whether the conditions are favorable for storm development and determine if he should adjust his planned route or timing. Gerald seeks to obtain the necessary information efficiently using soundings forecasts from MSC GeoMet geospatial web services.
To be able to see the data for a specific time and place, the first step is to query the Extract Sounding Data Geomet OGC API Process
from MSC GeoMet to get the data associated with the provided model, model run, forecast hour and lat/lon through Python programming. To carry out this step, the Python modules must first be imported and values must be given to the request parameters. The layer used for this exemple will be the layer from the Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS) that contains the deterministic forecasts of elements of the atmosphere from the present day to 10 days in the future.
# Remove the magic command to use out of Jupyter Notebook.
%matplotlib widget
# Importation of Python modules.
import datetime
import logging
import math
import re
import requests
# The following modules must all first be installed
# to use this code out of a Jupyter Notebook.
from adjustText import adjust_text
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
import matplotlib.patheffects as mpatheffects
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
# logging is only used to remove a useless Cartopy warning coming from Metpy.
metpy_plot_logger = logging.getLogger('metpy.plots')
import metpy.calc as mpcalc
import metpy.interpolate as mpinterpolate
from metpy.plots import Hodograph, SkewT
from metpy.units import units
# So we can have the degree symbol in the graph's title.
# Time format used is UTC±00:00.
ISO_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
Once the imports are done, we make the appropriate selections for what we wish to see.
# Parameters choice.
# Model (RDPS, GDPS or HRDPS):
model = 'GDPS'
# The times below are calculated for the script to work
# as is, but you can enter a valid date of your choice,
# formatted as shown in the examples.
# Model Run:
mr_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
model_run = f'{mr_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}T12:00:00Z'
# ex.: model_run = '2024-01-01T12:00:00Z'
# Forecast Hour:
forecast_hour = f'003: {mr_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}T15:00:00Z'
# ex.: forecast_hour = '003: 2024-01-01T15:00:00Z'
# latitude and longitude,
# (Careful not to select coordinates that are oustide of the chosen model):
# Here we're selecting lat/lon corresponding to CYHZ:Halifax.
lat = 44.53
lon = -63.31
Now that the parameters have been chosen, a POST request
needs to be sent to the extract-sounding-data OGC API - Process
with those parameters so that the data can be retrieved in JSON
# URL to retrieve sounding data information.
url = ''
# Format in which the data will be received.
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
# Parameters to pass for the request.
body = {
"inputs": {
"forecast_hour": forecast_hour[0:3],
"lat": lat,
"lon": lon,
"model": model,
"model_run": model_run,
"novalues_above_100mbar": True,
# Make request and put the response in JSON format.
# Response contains:
# - Pressure (hPa/mbar)
# - Temperature (°C)
# - Dewpoint Temperature (°C)
# - Dewpoint Depression (°C)
# - Wind Speed (Knots)
# - Wind Direction (°)
# - CAPE, CIN (J/kg)
# - LCL, LFC, EL (m AGL)
# - LI (K)
resp =, json=body, headers=headers).json()
We will now extract the values from the received JSON
response and we will place them inside lists so that they can be easily accessed and used later.
# Store the values for Skew-T and Hodograph plotting in lists and assign proper units.
p = [] # List to store pressure levels.
t = [] # List to store temperatures.
td = [] # List to store dew point temperatures.
ws = [] # List to store wind speeds.
wd = [] # List to store wind directions.
for key, val in resp['properties'].items():
# Look for sounding data at every pressure level.
# If there ar less than 6 parameters, it means a value is missing so skip it.
if'(\d+)mbar', key) and len(val) == 6:
p *= units.hPa
t *= units.degC
td *= units.degC
ws *= units.knots
wd *= units.degrees
u, v = mpcalc.wind_components(ws, wd)
Do the same now for the convection indices, but instead of just making lists, create a list of lists and arrange the data such that it can be placed inside a table.
# Store Convection Indices in a list of lists to make a table afterwards.
# Convection indices currently unavailable for HRDPS, so if you
# select that model all you'll see is 'N/A' in the table.
# Store convection indices' values inside lists.
cape = list(resp['properties']['CAPE'].values())
cin = list(resp['properties']['CIN'].values())
lcl = list(resp['properties']['LCL'].values())
li = list(resp['properties']['LI'].values())
lfc = list(resp['properties']['LFC'].values())
el = list(resp['properties']['EL'].values())
# Rearrange the values to get first value of every list in the same row.
conv_indices = [list(row) for row in zip(cape, cin, lcl, li, lfc, el)]
for i, row in enumerate(conv_indices):
for j, elem in enumerate(row):
# Round the values.
if isinstance(elem, float):
conv_indices[i][j] = round(conv_indices[i][j])
# Add units on the last row of the table.
if resp['properties']['LI_unit'] == "--":
resp['properties']['LI_unit'] = "K"
Now that all the data has been arranged, we can finally start plotting. First, we will make a Skew-T Log-P Diagram
using the Metpy
The asterisk(*) inside the legend of the Skew-T Log-P Diagram
means it was computed by Metpy
, so if you are wondering why maybe for some location the CAPE/CIN
don't match between the Convection Indices and the graph, take note that the ones inside the table are the ones that come directly from our data and as such should be the ones considered accurate in case of a mismatch. You can still take Metpy
's results into consideration, they're most likely simply not using the same algorithm as we are. If you want to see how Metpy
computes something or want to know more about the library, here's a link to their Main Page and here's a link to one of Metpy's calculation for CAPE and CIN so you can see for yourself the possibilities and their documentation.
# Plotting a Skew-T Log-P diagram using the Metpy library.
# Prevent matplotlib from showing whatever it wants.
# We start by creating the graph and adding the lines.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), tight_layout=True)
skew = SkewT(fig, rotation=45)
skew.plot(p[:len(t)], t, 'r', label='Temperature')
skew.plot(p[:len(td)], td, 'g', label='Dewpoint')
skew.plot_barbs(p[:len(ws)], u, v), 100), 60)'Temperature (°C)')'Pressure (hPa|mbar)')
# Add a secondary axis that automatically converts between pressure and height
# assuming a standard atmosphere. The value of -0.12 puts the secondary axis
# 0.12 normalized (0 to 1) coordinates left of the original axis.
secax =
lambda p: mpcalc.pressure_to_height_std(units.Quantity(p, 'hPa')).m_as('km'),
lambda h: mpcalc.height_to_pressure_std(units.Quantity(h, 'km')).m
# Show 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 km marks.
secax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.FixedLocator([0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15]))
secax.set_ylabel('Height (km)')
# Calculate full parcel profile and add to plot as black line.
prof = mpcalc.parcel_profile(p, t[0], td[0]).to('degC')
skew.plot(p, prof, 'k', linewidth=2, label='Parcel profile*')
# Shade areas of CAPE and CIN.
skew.shade_cin(p, t, prof, td, label='CIN*')
skew.shade_cape(p, t, prof, label='CAPE*')
# Slanted line at 0 isotherm., color='c', linestyle='--', linewidth=2)
# Add the relevant special lines.
wet_bulb = mpcalc.wet_bulb_temperature(p, t, td)
skew.plot(p, wet_bulb, 'b', linewidth=1, label='Wet Bulb*')
# Add title with all the data that was used for the plot.'{model} Sounding at (' +
f'{str(lat) + DEG_SYMBOL + "N" if lat >= 0 else str(lat*-1) + DEG_SYMBOL + "S"}, ' +
f'{str(lon) + DEG_SYMBOL + "E" if lon >= 0 else str(lon*-1) + DEG_SYMBOL + "W"}) ' + '\n' +
f'Model Run: {model_run} ' + '\n' +
f'Forecast Hour: {forecast_hour[0:5]}{datetime.datetime.strptime(forecast_hour[5:], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")}'
# Use or plt.savefig('name.png') outside of Jupyter Notebook.
Since we have the wind data, we can also plot a Hodograph, again using the Metpy
library. The code underneath is quite large, but most of it is for appearance. If you simply wish to create a Hodograph with code that's as simple as possible, please see Metpy Hodograph inset example or Metpy Skew-T with Complex Layout example, which will give you not only a simpler Hodograph, but also a simpler example for the Skew-T Log-P Diagram
as well. The code below zooms on the Hodograph plot so that you don't have a huge plot where the winds are all packed in a tiny space. If you ever feel like the Hodograph is too small (which can happen if winds are ALL at 0°, 90°, etc. since the plot will be incredibly tin), you can simply comment out (put a #
symbol in front) the line
and the plot will be shown in its entirety.
# Plotting a Hodograph using the Metpy library.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7), tight_layout=True)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# Pressure level values to display on the Hodograph if present.
# You may add more or remove some as you please.
boundaries_default = [950, 850, 700, 500, 300, 250]
# Always show first pressure level.
boundaries_p = [p[0].magnitude]
# Also show all the ones from the list above, but only if they're over
# the first pressure level and are at least 50mbar over first pressure level.
# i.e. if first pressure level is at 855mbar, don't show 950 nor 850.
boundaries_p.extend([bd for bd in boundaries_default if ((boundaries_p[0]-bd)>=50 and bd>=p[-1].magnitude)])
boundaries_p *= units.hPa
u_pts, v_pts = mpinterpolate.interpolate_1d(boundaries_p, p, u, v)
boundaries_p[0] = round(boundaries_p[0])
# Add the points on the Hodograph for the chosen pressure levels.
ax.scatter(u_pts, v_pts, c="black", zorder=10)
texts = []
for up, vp, z in zip(u_pts, v_pts, boundaries_p):
z_str = int(z.magnitude)
texts.append(ax.text(up, vp, z_str, ha='center', fontsize=10,
path_effects=[mpatheffects.withStroke(foreground='white', linewidth=2)],
# Scale Hodograph according to strongest wind value.
max_range = math.ceil(max(ws).magnitude) + 1
h = Hodograph(ax, component_range=max_range)
if max_range < 50:
inc = math.ceil(max_range / 10)
inc = 5 * math.ceil(max_range / 100)
# Put axes in the middle of the graph.
# Add color that changes with pressure levels.
h.plot_colormapped(u, v, p)
# Rescale Hodograph to zoom where the values are.
# Comment if you want the entire Hodograph instead.
bottom, top =
left, right =
# Add the grid lines for the wind speeds.
# Make sure axes stay inside the plot if the winds are all super far in one direction.
if left > 0:
left = -1
if bottom > 0:
bottom = -1
if right < 0:
right = 1
if top < 0:
top = 1
# Resize the Hodograph to zoom in on the plot, but only show values on the longest axis
# and add a little buffer to make sure the entire plot always fits inside.
norm_bottom = abs(bottom)
norm_left = abs(left)
whole, remainder = divmod(max_range, inc)
highest = max(norm_bottom, top, norm_left, right)
if highest in (norm_bottom, top):
if highest == norm_bottom:
norm_bottom = (whole + math.ceil(remainder/inc)) * inc
top = (whole + math.ceil(remainder/inc)) * inc
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-norm_bottom, top=top)
ax.set_xlim(left=-norm_left, right=right)
ticks_loc_y = ax.get_yticks().tolist()
ax.set_yticklabels([f'{abs(int(y))}' for y in ticks_loc_y])
if highest == norm_left:
norm_left = (whole + math.ceil(remainder/inc)) * inc
right = (whole + math.ceil(remainder/inc)) * inc
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-norm_bottom, top=top)
ax.set_xlim(left=-norm_left, right=right)
ticks_loc_x = ax.get_xticks().tolist()
ax.set_xticklabels([f'{abs(int(x))}' for x in ticks_loc_x])
# Remove axes labels since the axes are in the middle of the plot.
ax.set_ylabel('')'Hodograph, Wind Speed in knots, Height in hPa')
# Make sure Hodograph points' text don't overlap.
adjust_text(texts, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color='r', lw=0.5), expand_text=(1.8, 1.8))
# Use or plt.savefig('name.png') outside of Jupyter Notebook.
Finally, we've also gotten the convection indices from the Process
and we've already arranged the data so it could be displayed as a table, so let's do just that!
# Plotting Convection Indices table.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 2), tight_layout=True)
table_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# Table's column and row names.
col_names = ['CAPE', 'CIN', 'LCL', 'LI', 'LFC', 'EL']
row_names = ['SFC', 'ML', 'MU', 'Units']
tab = table_ax.table(cellText=conv_indices, colLabels=col_names, rowLabels=row_names, loc='center', cellLoc='center')
# Change table font size and scale to look better.
tab.scale(1.5, 1.5)
# Populate the table.
for (row, col), cell in tab.get_celld().items():
# Put row and column titles bold.
if (row == 0) or (col == -1):
cell.set_text_props(fontproperties=FontProperties(size=12, weight='bold'))
# Use or plt.savefig('name.png') outside of Jupyter Notebook.
Using this tool, Gerald will be able to get the soundings information he needed using Canadian data. After reading this use case exemple, you should be able to use Python programming to access and query a WMS service, create temporal queries and show the results using plots and data tables. You can adapt this example to fit your needs by changing the request parameters and the data processing steps.